Verification of forest stocks and soil as carbon sink and storage, and climate effects of reforestation and afforestation aiming to quantitatively determine the carbon sequestration of a new forest, the overall cooling effect on climate, and its effect on rain production.
Main goals during the flagship program 2021-2024 are to:
- verify carbon sink and CarbonSink+ (accounts albedo, aerosol-cloud-climate and water cycle effects) for different forest ecosystems in Finland and globally (e.g. Russia, China) including peatlands
- identify forestry practices that are the most efficient for climate change mitigation, taking into account also the multi-functionality and economic value of forest production
- facilitate active interaction and promote collaboration between the ACCC research programs and partner organizations, companies and stakeholders
- promote the use of results and deliverable coming from the project among the stakeholders.

The implementation is described in different levels as follows: