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ACCC Collaborators

ACCC has 51 key collaborators (signed Letters of Commitments), which represent public and private sectors, European research structures, NGOs and other associations. Cooperation with Russian partners has been suspended. The protocol with new collaborators is that ACCC will first sign the LoC with a new collaborator, and then the collaboration will be implemented in new R&I projects, field campaigns, test beds, joint events and/or invited presentations depending on the collaborator’s domain. The business collaboration is under non-disclosure agreements (NDA). In addition to these official ACCC partners, the ACCC works with more than 300 universities, public sector and business partners.

 OrganizationTime of LoC signaturePublicPrivateOtherRI
1ACTRIS – Aerosol, Clouds and Trace Gases Research Infrastucture08/2020   X
2Actuarial Society of Finland03/2023   X 
3Airmodus Ltd.08/2020  X  
4Baltic Sea Action Group (BSAG)08/2020   X 
5City of Helsinki08/2020 X   
6City of Kuopio08/2020 X   
7City of Vantaa08/2020 X   
8Claned Ltd.08/2020  X  
9Climate Leadership Coalition (CLC)08/2020   X 
10Digital Belt and Road – AirCAS, China08/2020 X   
11Dekati Ltd.08/2020  X  
12Deloitte Ltd.08/2020  X  
13Eastern Lapland Federation of Municipalities08/2020 X   
14eLTER – Integrated European Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and socio-ecological Research08/2020      X
15Finnair08/2020  X  
16Future Earth08/2020    
17Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science (HELSUS)08/2020     
18HINKU – Carbon Neutral Municipalities08/2020   
19ICOS-ERIC Integrated Carbon Observation System08/2020    X
20IIASA – International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis08/2020   X   
21Karsa Ltd.08/2020  X  
22KPMG – global network of firms for audit services08/2020  X  
23Kuopion Energia08/2020   
24MetsäGroup02/2023   X 
25Ministry of Transport and Communication08/2020   
26Nanjing University, China08/2020 X   
27Neste08/2020  X  
28Partioaitta Ltd.08/2020  X  
29Pegasor Ltd.08/2020  X  
30S-Group08/2020  X  
31The Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra08/2020   X 
32Solita08/2020  X  
34Finnish Environmental Institute (SYKE)08/2020 X   
35UPM08/2020  X  
36Useless08/2020  X  
37Vaisala08/2020  X  
38Valio08/2020  X  
39World Meteorological Organization (WMO)08/2020 X   
40Wärtsilä08/2020  X  
41Traficom09/2020 X   
42The Guides and Scouts of Finland03/2022     X 
43ThinkAfrica04/2022   X 
44Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)05/2022 X   
45University of Tartu05/2022 X   
46Estonian University of Life Sciences05/2022 X   
47Football Association of Finland  10/2022   X 
48MetsäGroup01/2023   X