ACCC singed a Letter of Collaboration with Actuarial Society of Finland on Thursday, 30 March. The collaboration between the Actuarial Society of Finland and ACCC is framed with the issues central to the insurance industry. The understanding of the changing physical risks, whether they manifest in attritional, large of catastrophic events play a key role in assigning and evaluation of the development of their probabilities which in turn in the long run are essential for insurers. Science based information is needed to evaluate these risks for the risk assessment and management. The ACCC cooperation increases the insurance industry’s knowledge of climate and atmosphere-related developments. At best, the increase in knowledge materializes into a better understanding of the insured risks.

Fig.Jaakko Aho and Toni Blomster Board from the Actuarial Society of Finland (left) with Markku Kulmala and Hanna Lappalainen (right).