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ACCC Impact Week 7th-10th December

ACCC Impact Week 7-10 December.2021 Registration is now open and you can find the registration form here. Kindly register as soon as possible, and no later than 1st November (Monday). About The ACCC Impact Week brings together ACCC research partners and stakeholders to discuss and co-design science-based solutions for safe climate and clean air, and… Read More »ACCC Impact Week 7th-10th December

ACCC Online Research Seminar: Impacts of wildfires on soil biogeochemistry in boreal environment

Online , Finland

Speaker Docent Kajar Köster, University Researcher University of Eastern Finland (UEF) Title Impacts of wildfires on soil biogeochemistry in boreal environment Abstract: "Fire is one of the most important natural disturbances in borealenvironments (approximately 1% of the boreal forests burns annually),driving biogeochemical processes and carbon cycling in these areas.Changes in future fire regimes, including changes… Read More »ACCC Online Research Seminar: Impacts of wildfires on soil biogeochemistry in boreal environment

ACCC Online Research Seminar: Center of Excellence VILMA -Virtual laboratory for molecular level atmospheric transformations

Online , Finland

"Outline of the new Academy of Finland Center of Excellence VILMA -Virtual laboratory for molecular level atmospheric transformations" Prof. Hanna Vehkamäki from INAR- University of Helsinki will give a presentation on the new Center of Excellence VILMA. Date: 16th of March at 9:00-10:00 EET Venue: Zoom link (active only shortly and during the event).

ACCC Online Research Seminar: “Black Carbon Footprint Project”

Welcome to the ACCC Online Seminar on 13.April at 9:00-10:00 EET.   Topi Rönkkö (Tampere University) will give the talke "Black Carbon Footprint Project"   Date: 13.April.2022, 9:00-10:00am, Helsinki Venue:  online Zoom Meeting (link active pre-event)

1st ACTRIS Science Conference

Online , Finland

May 11th - 13th 2022 Virtual open conference Website: Three-day open science conference aims to bring together members of different atmospheric science communities and discuss the latest scientific breakthroughs e.g., in air quality and climate research.   The conference sessions: Air quality Climate change Integrating different ACTRIS components Combining ACTRIS & other Environmental Research… Read More »1st ACTRIS Science Conference

ACCC Online Seminar

Online , Finland

You are welcome to join the ACCC Online Seminar taking place on 11th of May at 9:00-10:00 EET.   Time: May 11, 2022 09:00 AM Helsinki The speaker in the seminar will be Mikhail Sofiev from Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) with the title "Bioaerosols in the atmosphere at two sites in Northern Europe in spring… Read More »ACCC Online Seminar

Climate neutral and resilient cities seminar

Online , Finland

The Impact Task 4 of the ACCC is organising a new seminar series, “Climate neutral and resilient cities”. The first seminar of the series will take place 19.5.2022 with the topic “climate change, cities and energy”.   10:00 Opening words (English with Finnish slides): Hilppa Gregow – “Introduction to ACCC and the new IPCC report,… Read More »Climate neutral and resilient cities seminar

ACCC Online Research Seminar

Online , Finland

Welcome to the last ACCC Online Seminar before summer break!   Speaker: Assoc. Prof. Federico Bianchi (INAR - University of Helsinki) Topic:  “The impact of the Himalyan aerosol factory ". Time: Jun 16, 2022 09:00 AM Helsinki Venue: Zoom (link activates during event)

ACCC-I4 Seminaarisarja: Ilmastoneutraalit ja -kestävät kaupungit

2. Seminaari, 21.10.2022, “Lämpösaarekeilmiö, helleaallot ja terveys”, Ilmatieteen laitoksella Helsingissä tai Teamsissa Ilmoittautuminen tästä (etänä viimeistään 19.10.2022, paikan päällä viimeistään 14.102022). Linkki teams-kokoukseen jaetaan ennen seminaaria kaikille ilmoittautuneille. 9:00 Avaus: Thomas Kühn (Ilmatieteen laitos) Ilmakehän ja ilmaston osaamiskeskus ACCC 9:10 Keynote: Reija Ruuhela (Ilmatieteen laitos) Ihmiset kaupunkien tukalissa helteissä – miten ilmastonmuutos ja lämpösaarekeilmiö tulisi… Read More »ACCC-I4 Seminaarisarja: Ilmastoneutraalit ja -kestävät kaupungit

ACCC Online Research Seminar: “Insurance – What it is and how it can help?”

Online , Finland

Insurance - What it is and how it can help? Prof. Mikko Juhani Kuusela (Professor of Practice, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Helsinki) Date: 09.November.2022 Venue: online (zoom; email us accc-flagship(a) ) The presentation is about the basic concepts of insurance business. We discuss the essence of insurance business, e.g. what is the… Read More »ACCC Online Research Seminar: “Insurance – What it is and how it can help?”

ACCC at COP27 – Data as the basis for policy, innovation and education

Welcome on site at COP27 Cryosphere Pavillion (Zone D) or follow the conversation online with the live-stream!   Data as the basis for policy, innovation and education Monday 14.Nov., 16:00-17:30 (+2 GMT) Live-stream link: For more details, visit the blog post.